Quick One
yep, well, lonely but enjoying Monroe. Learning how absolutely integral to social change it is to have an active and supportive community that one can readily join. Feel more like I'm on an outpost doing social change work than anything else, with more second guessing than support from the folks I work with. But, we still have the news show alive, relatively where it's supposed to be.
Going to a meeting of people to try and get some kind of work done to get news reports out of Appalachia for Free Speech Radio News. I know it's a basic training for reporters this weekend, and it'll be refining skills that I already have from doing a lot of reporting here in Monroe. But, it will be good for people to learn how to do their own media and I want to be with those people as we learn how to do it. There is some money in it, but I wouldn't think there would be enough to rely on for a steady income...as if VISTA pays a living wage...
So, this weekend'll be interesting, gotta wake up at 6:30 tomorrow to get on the road to Clay County.
I'm getting better at accordian. The nice thing about there not being much going on in the evenings is that you sit down and start to create. I wouldn't say I'm bored, boreddom is a waste, but there is definitely not much going on.
I have started demanding rather than asking people to visit me, we'll see how that goes.