This Morning
This has been a pretty good morning...
laid out by my stove looking at the fire for a while last night. That was pretty nice.
Got a bunch of stuff done this morning and'll be moving on to get more done later on after I get me some lunch
cleaned a bit of my bathtub, ordered a songbook (singing rocks with people or alone, just belt out some songs), and cleared out my email account of about 1800 unread messages. I mean, i didn't read em...i just marked em as read.
emails pretty big, so i figure i should keep that tidy.
gotta take my clothes off the line later on and if it keeps as a hell of a nice day, mow my lawn.
i think i'm gonna drive up to lewisburg today and check out this health foods store up there, though. Farmers markets are done here, and I didn't can any (don't know how), so i've gotta switch over to stockpiling shit from the health food stores. i hope that the store up there has some good stuff.
looking into living more responsibly, I'm making progress I think. Playing guitar a lot more, around a half hour to hour per day. getting to know the chords...but never did have much rythym. Oh well, its playing for fun and life so I don't need to be good.
Gonna be dropping a mini disc player by this artsy woman today so she can interview these artsy kids whose work she displays in her shop. I'm pretty excited about that. I want this station to inspire people to the arts and show them that they can do it.
Workin on making this station cooler and cooler.