Mr. Chiotos' Record

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Breakfast + Work + Party

Just had a bit of break fast and woke up maybe a half hour ago. Feels damn good to get up relatively early at 9 or 930 rather than noon...ya know? Better not to watch tv until like 3 then sleep til 11, that's just wasteful. I've been waking up earlier with Tominda around. Living with her has gone damn well...she has influenced my cleaning habits a bit.

I'll be going to my last day of Riverbend later today...weird...i'll miss the hell outta that place and Cheryl...started working there in June of 2003 and i'll stop working there in July of 2006...three damn years. Best place i'll ever work, I swear.

The party at Mom's house is coming up this Saturday, and it should be a damn fine time. I'm really friggin hoping the weather holds out and it's nice. There'll be a family get together during the day with something like 30 or 40 people here, then my buddies'll be coming out at around 7 or 8 to camp out down by the river. We'll hit the river the following day and swim and tube and whatnot, it looks like. Man, I'm looking forward to that.

I've picked up some useful stuff before I've left and I'll have to go around and pick it all up this coming Monday....a couch, a futon, a bed w/box springs, a cool ass office chair, and a cabinet that can turn into a computer desk. Hell yeah, maybe i'll even have an office down in Greenville.

So, it looks like most all my activism will be fused over the next year as SEAC will be working on energy justice issues, namely coal issues. I'm focusing a lot of effort on that, nowadays, as all the scattered effort of yesteryear can now be focused.

It'll be weird going from a SEAC ATC to an Americorps training....from a long and slow process of addressing root causes of oppression to a short and sweet (but vastly incomplete) process of providing process to be there for people hit by oppression. I prefer SEAC's approach, but can see value in Americorps.


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